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多源空间数据整合视角下的城市开发强度研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
岳文泽  章佳民  刘勇  张玮 《生态学报》2019,39(21):7914-7926
城市开发强度能直观表征人类活动强度,对指导城市规划与管理、促进城市可持续发展具有重要价值。采用社会-经济-生态系统耦合视角构建城市开发强度的多维测度体系,整合多源空间数据,测度了杭州市主城及3个副城的开发强度并揭示了其空间分布特征。结果表明,杭州城市开发强度由主城向副城呈波动降低,高强度开发过度集中于主城,主城的功能疏散有待加强;各副城开发强度不一,江南城与主城呈现跨江融合,临平城、下沙城空间上较为独立;各开发维度中,建筑强度、功能强度及效益强度热点区分布基本一致,环境响应高强度区则集聚于主副城交界处,表现出空间异质性。多维测度体系可较好表征城市开发强度,对城市规划及精细化管理具有一定的应用价值。  相似文献   
城市边缘区生态承载力时空分异研究——以甘井子区为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
裴鹰  杨俊  李冰心  李雪铭  葛雨婷 《生态学报》2019,39(5):1715-1724
以大连市甘井子区为例,利用1998年的土地利用数据和2003年、2007年、2013年的SPOT5遥感数据等多元数据,运用状态空间表征生态承载力量值的计量方法,计算了城市边缘区的社区生态承载力,并研究了甘井子区1998—2013年生态承载力的时空分异特征。结果表明:(1)时间上,1998—2013年,甘井子区整体的生态承载力呈现先快后慢的下降趋势,生态状态呈现出从优秀向良好,再向一般过渡的阶段特征。(2)空间上,甘井子区整体的生态承载力等级东西部差异明显,呈现出相同承载力等级小范围聚集和相近承载力等级间穿插分布的特征。(3)甘井子区内部各社区生态承载力程度差异明显。靠近市区的社区生态承载力15年间变化显著,生态承载程度迅速下降,远离市区的部分社区生态承载力变化不大,生态环境保持良好以上的状态。  相似文献   
在快速的城市化进程中,城市群作为城市发展到成熟阶段的高级空间组织形式,其在推进城市群区域社会经济一体化的同时,也在一定程度上加剧了城市群的人地关系矛盾和景观开发强度。为量化城市群的人类景观开发强度,揭示自然环境对人类资源消耗过程的压力响应机制,选取闽三角城市群在2000、2005和2013年的夜间灯光数据(DMSP/OLS)作为刻画人类经济活动范围的基础数据,通过能值分析理论,耦合可更新能源(太阳能、风能、地热能和降雨化学能等)与基于统计数据的不可更新能源进行能值核算,并进一步描述人类景观开发强度(Landscape development intensity,LDI)的时空演变特征,基于人类活动对自然生态系统的干扰程度划分为5级进行空间展示与分析。结果表明:(1)在时间尺度上,闽三角城市群的年可更新能值密度均值在2000、2005和2013年,分别为9.42×10~(16) sej/hm~2、7.25×10~(16) sej/hm~2和7.88×10~(16) sej/hm~2,呈现出先减后增的趋势,在空间尺度上,闽三角城市群可更新资源由环海湾地带向内陆地区呈环形逐层增加,其中在2000年表现尤为明显;(2)在不可更新资源的利用上,闽三角城市群的本地不可更新能源能值投入在2000、2005和2013年,分别为4.64×10~(24) sej、4.63×10~(24) sej和4.66×10~(24) sej,只出现轻微浮动,而外部输入能源的能值投入则在2000、2005和2013年,分别为1.41×10~(24) sej、3.18×10~(24) sej和5.71×10~(24) sej呈现逐年上升趋势,且其中对原煤的需求表现最高,占比高达90%;(3)LDI在空间分布上,自内陆至沿海干扰等级逐渐上升,其中,强度干扰与剧烈干扰主要覆盖厦门市、龙海市、晋江市和石狮市;在时间分布上,呈现出强度干扰和剧烈干扰逐渐增大的趋势。研究有助于政府对不同干扰等级区域的城乡建设与规划管理提供决策依据,为实现城市群可持续发展提供数据参考。  相似文献   
北京市六环内城市森林结构总体特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
城市森林结构决定了城市森林的外貌、总体绿量,影响其生态效益.本文对北京市六环外1 km范围内城市森林分层抽样调查,研究其多样性及乔木规格,并根据北京城市特点分析其空间差异,以期找出存在问题及梯度变化规律,为北京城市森林多样性保护及科学管理提供依据.通过对各类城市森林847个标准样方的调查,共记录木本植物50科、106属、159种,本地种占75%;城市森林植物群落仍然是少数物种主导,毛白杨(Populus tomentosa Carr.)与国槐(Sophora japonicaL.)分别为使用数量最多(9.7%)和使用频度最高(28.45%)的树种;乔木平均胸径19.79 cm,平均冠幅5.4 m,规格总体偏小,且规格差异不大.北京市城市森林沿城市发展方向由城内向城外展现出了明显的梯度变化:总物种数4环外多于4环内,最高为4~5环112种;多样性指数逐渐降低;乔木规格减小;“城六区”物种组成、多样性及乔木规格均优于其他行政区.  相似文献   
南昌市城镇空间扩展与景观生态风险的耦合关系   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
王飞  叶长盛  华吉庆  李欣 《生态学报》2019,39(4):1248-1262
为探究城镇用地空间扩展对景观生态风险的影响,以南昌市为例,运用遥感、GIS及数理统计的方法,借助城镇扩展强度指数研究了南昌市2000—2017年城镇空间扩展的时空变化特征,构建了景观生态风险指数,以3 km×3 km的单元网格进行系统采样,探究城镇扩展下南昌市景观格局的动态变化和景观生态风险,最后基于地理加权回归(GWR)模型,定量分析2000—2017年南昌市城镇空间扩展与景观生态风险之间的耦合关系。结果表明:(1)2000—2017年,南昌市城镇用地增加了247.56 km~2,年均扩展速率达17.75 km~2,其中2000—2005年扩展最快,呈现出剧烈扩展的态势,扩展强度达到0.55。城镇扩展主要沿正北和西北方向扩展,分布在青山湖区、南昌县、新建区等,总体上呈快速扩展趋势;(2)南昌市景观格局以耕地为主,建设用地快速扩张,耕地、林地、草地面积持续减少,土地利用的景观格局指数反映此期间人类活动的干扰程度加剧,景观斑块数量增加,整体破碎度提高。借助地统计分析方法,计算得到南昌市景观生态风险由2000年的0.1354上升至2017年的0.1420,景观生态风险呈逐渐升高的趋势;(3)2000—2017年,城镇用地面积与景观生态风险、城镇空间扩展强度指数和景观生态险变化值之间,都呈现负相关影响,后者相关性在减弱。回归系数的空间分布上,由中部向外逐渐升高,低值位于城镇扩展较快的南昌市区,城镇的快速扩展使城镇用面积大幅增加,景观破碎度、损失度降低,景观生态风险随之降低;高值出现在进贤县、安义县等经济发展缓慢的地区,城镇用地扩展幅度小,扩展边界斑块破碎度大,分离度上升,景观生态风险增加。研究结果为促进城市建设与生态环境保护的相互协调,正确评价人类活动对城市生态系统的影响,以及南昌市的可持续发展和科学管理提供借鉴。  相似文献   
将丝绸之路经济带核心区新疆城镇建设用地扩展作为一个时空变化系统进行分析,提取1980—2015年7个年份用地演变信息,结合10 km×10 km方格网构建,从总量趋势、分地州市级区域、分用地类型及特殊性全面认知扩展的时空演变特征,采用地理探测器模型,在县域尺度定量诊断城镇建设用地扩展的人文要素和自然要素的影响程度及各要素间的交互影响作用,进而识别其主控要素并探讨其作用机理,对比分析天山北坡城市群和喀什都市圈两个重点发展区域的分异性。研究结果表明:近35年以来,丝绸之路经济带核心区新疆城镇建设用地扩展约2.9倍,扩展强度波动增长且以分散小斑块为主,各地州市扩展规模和强度的时空差异性显著,次一级城镇建设用地类型扩展呈现动态变化特征,用地扩展受自然本底胁迫条件和经济社会发展过程多重影响有其特殊性;全域城镇建设用地在县域尺度以低水平扩展与各级人文要素和自然要素水平的耦合匹配关系为主;综合地理探测器因子分析模块和交互作用模块的探测结果,判定地形位指数、城镇化率、地形起伏度、二三产业比重为影响丝绸之路经济带核心区新疆县域城镇建设用地扩展的主控要素,并探寻各主控要素的作用机理;在重点发展区域天山北坡城市群和喀什都市圈的驱动要素有共性也有明显分异性。该研究为丝绸之路经济带核心区新疆城镇建设用地因地因城因类的差别化调控及区域可持续发展提供科学支撑和决策依据。  相似文献   
Urban green spaces provide manifold environmental benefits and promote human well‐being. Unfortunately, these services are largely undervalued, and the potential of urban areas themselves to mitigate future climate change has received little attention. In this study, we quantified and mapped city‐wide aboveground carbon storage of urban green spaces in China's capital, Beijing, using field survey data of diameter at breast height (DBH) and tree height from 326 field survey plots, combined with satellite‐derived vegetation index at a fine resolution of 6 m. We estimated the total amount of carbon stored in the urban green spaces to be 956.3 Gg (1 Gg = 109 g) in 2014. There existed great spatial heterogeneity in vegetation carbon density varying from 0 to 68.1 Mg C ha‐1, with an average density of 7.8 Mg C ha?1. As expected, carbon density tended to decrease with urban development intensity (UDI). Likely being affected by vegetation cover proportion and configuration of green space patches, large differences were presented between the 95th and 5th quantile carbon density for each UDI bin, showing great potential for carbon sequestration. However, the interquartile range of carbon density narrowed drastically when UDI reached 60%, signifying a threshold for greatly reduced carbon sequestration potentials for higher UDI. These findings suggested that urban green spaces have great potential to make contribution to mitigating against future climate change if we plan and design urban green spaces following the trajectory of high carbon density, but we should be aware that such potential will be very limited when the urban development reaches certain intensity threshold.  相似文献   
Cities are rapidly growing and need to look for ways to optimize resource consumption. Metropolises are especially vulnerable in three main systems, often referred to as the FEW (i.e., food, energy, and water) nexus. In this context, urban rooftops are underutilized areas that might be used for the production of these resources. We developed the Roof Mosaic approach, which combines life cycle assessment with two rooftop guidelines, to analyze the technical feasibility and environmental implications of producing food and energy, and harvesting rainwater on rooftops through different combinations at different scales. To illustrate, we apply the Roof Mosaic approach to a densely populated neighborhood in a Mediterranean city. The building‐scale results show that integrating rainwater harvesting and food production would avoid relatively insignificant emissions (13.9–18.6 kg CO2 eq/inhabitant/year) in the use stage, but their construction would have low environmental impacts. In contrast, the application of energy systems (photovoltaic or solar thermal systems) combined with rainwater harvesting could potentially avoid higher CO2 eq emissions (177–196 kg CO2 eq/inhabitant/year) but generate higher environmental burdens in the construction phase. When applied at the neighborhood scale, the approach can be optimized to meet between 7% and 50% of FEW demands and avoid up to 157 tons CO2 eq/year. This approach is a useful guide to optimize the FEW nexus providing a range of options for the exploitation of rooftops at the local scale, which can aid cities in becoming self‐sufficient, optimizing resources, and reducing CO2 eq emissions.  相似文献   
To analyze and promote resource efficiency in urban areas, it is important to characterize urban metabolism and particularly, material flows. Material flow analysis (MFA) offers a means to capture the dynamism of cities and their activities. Urban‐scale MFAs have been conducted in many cities, usually employing variants of the Eurostat methodology. However, current methodologies generally reduce the study area into a “black box,” masking details of the complex processes within the city's metabolism. Therefore, besides the aggregated stocks and flows of materials, the movement of materials—often embedded in goods or commodities—should also be highlighted. Understanding the movement and dispersion of goods and commodities can allow for more detailed analysis of material flows. We highlight the potential benefits of using high‐resolution urban commodity flows in the context of understanding material resource use and opportunities for conservation. Through the use of geographic information systems and visualizations, we analyze two spatially explicit datasets: (1) commodity flow data in the United States, and (2) Global Positioning System‐based commercial vehicle (truck) driver activity data in Singapore. In the age of “big data,” we bring advancements in freight data collection to the field of urban metabolism, uncovering the secondary sourcing of materials that would otherwise have been masked in typical MFA studies. This brings us closer to a consumption‐based, finer‐resolution approach to MFA, which more effectively captures human activities and its impact on urban environments.  相似文献   
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